Our School
The support staff consists of two social workers, two school psychologists, three speech pathologists, two school nurses, three ENL teachers, one special education specialist, one behavioral specialist, and one Reading Recovery specialist. We meet as a Child Study Team on Wednesday afternoons to act as a resource to teachers who refer specific children to the team for brainstorming and review. Individual support staff members are available for consultation with teachers, with parents and to observe and work with children in and out of the classroom. Depending on the discipline, each of us provides services such as speech therapy,play therapy, "push-in" social skills work in the classroom, parent counseling, individual and small group instruction with children in language and reading. School nurses also meet with all families to obtain health histories and are available to parents and teachers for any health related concerns. Support staff sees the whole child and what is primary is to enhance the positive self-esteem for each child.