Dear Parents and Guardians,
The City School District of New Rochelle is utilizing electronic report cards across the district. Parents of students in grades PreK, K, 1 and 2 will use the Home Access Center (HAC) to view report cards, rather than receive printed copies. Report Cards will be available in the HAC within 24-hours of the end of the marking period.
The following is important in order for you to be able to view your child’s report card:
All parent email addresses have been entered into our student information system using current emergency cards. If you changed your email address AFTER enrollment and have not notified Barnard’s main office, please send your updated email address to Ms. Emma Silva at esilva@nredlearn.org.
You can log onto Home Access OR by going to Barnard’s Homepage at barnard.nred.org. Once there, click on Parents and Community. Then click on Home Access Center for Parents and Guardians.